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About Us:

How we got started

As the Ingham County Department of Social Services Deputy Director, every day Margaret Grost saw and heard heart-wrenching stories about the unmet needs of foster children – like the eight year old little girl who told her foster mother that all she wanted for Christmas was a dress because she had never had a dress, or the child who was not able to play in the school band because he didn’t have an instrument. This dedicated and caring social work administrator was so touched by these stories that she began telling her friends about the needs of the children and asking them to help her purchase special things for these children – special small things that made such a difference to these children who through no fault of their own were in foster homes. The late Jean Tubbs, Ingham County Commissioner, told Margaret to apply for a grant from a local foundation. The grant was awarded, and Margaret started raising money for foster children.

Formal Formation, Many Donations, Continuing Dedication

That love and caring was turned into action and Caring About Kids, Inc. (CAK), an all-volunteer 501 (3) (c) organization was incorporated in 1994 to help meet the needs of foster children. Since its formation, this volunteer group has raised over $800,000 from donations by individuals, an annual golf outing, bake, book and craft sales, hot dog sales, ice cream socials and small foundation grants. The “Helping a Child One Dime at a Time” bottle and can collection program operates on the 15 floors of the Department of Health and Human Services Central Office in the Grand Tower Building in Lansing. We continue to conduct fundraising events such as silent auctions, Jazz concerts and grant requests.

Since 1994, well over $600,000 has been spent providing foster children birthday gifts, gift certificates, trips, camps, tutoring, books, outings for foster children and their families, musical instruments through the “Share the Music” program and many other special purchases.

The members of the Board of Directors are listed on the Board Members page.

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